Sunday, November 18, 2007


I know she is there. Where all it ends, she begins. I have heard about her. She is the most beautiful thing in the world, they say. People also say that you need to walk the longest roads of your life to see her even though nobody has really seen her so far. Some people don’t even believe in her. They claim she does not exist at all. To me, her existence is beyond doubt. It’s her revelation which remains an unresolved mystery.

I meet her in my dreams. Breaking all the rules of the nature, she appears without fail. Smiling, she takes over my dream world. Then she murmurs in the softest voice, the very meanings of her life. Her unraveled thread of continuity mesmerizes me. Her beauty simply makes me wonder. Flowing incessantly through my thoughts, she reaches to the corners of eyes. Now, it remains just a matter of blink of eyes, and she will be in front of me. My reflexes get hypnotized and I open my eyes only to find her gone.

So far, I could not see her in reality. I think as darkness cant prevail in the presence of light, she can not prevail in reality. It’s always my dreams which come to my help. But that night, I think it was not a dream, or was it? But she walked with me. I was holding her hand and having a great walk under foggy sky on the wet roads. Everything felt uncertain for the moment, as if things were unfolding to surprise us. We were walking together on the road which had no destination. I thought I would see her face with the rise of the sun. But I never did.

Through my experiences with her, I have realized one thing for sure. Her revelation is not as important as her existence.

And, to me, her existence is beyond doubt.

----4.00 a.m., Detroit Airport, Nov 18,07