Friday, March 16, 2012

Word of the Day

Sachin ["Sach" In]*
1. One on the line of imagination and reality; A true myth: "I am not lying. It does exist, you know, its like Sachin"
2. Excellence manifested: "The statue was carved with such an excellence and perfection as if Sachin did it"
3. One who proves perfection is possible through practice and perseverance: "Ricky practiced hard for three consecutive weeks. He wanted to show he had Sachin in Him"
4. One who can score 100 100s in International Cricket: "Sachin Tendulkar joins impossible league!"
5. One who wants to be Sachin and believes he/she can be: "If you think and believe, there you are, you are Sachin!"
6. Yogi: "She does not think of mundane problems, she is Sachin I guess."
7. One who is the supreme but still humble: "Have you seen that tree on the Everest? By the virtue of its height and the weight of its thousand fruits, it stands there like Sachin."
8. One who is feared of being missed the most: "How can I think of my life without you my dear? You are Sachin of my life."

To sachin
verb (used with or without subject)
1. To ace; To surpass by huge margin: "My focus did not shift a bit, after all I had decided I wanted to sachin it"
2. To accept challenges each day: "Kids in that area have to sachin to survive, we should protect their rights"
3.To carry an unimaginable onus on one's shoulder: "Have you seen constellation Herculis? It looks like a man who is sachining the entire universe on its shoulder"
4. To pass extreme test of endurance and fatigue: "That engine has been running for ten hours at stretch. It seems it has been sachined."
5. To achieve impossible: "Dont try to find out value of one divided by zero. You will have to sachin it to find the damn value."

* The word Sachin has historical significance both in terms of its meaning and usage in English. Because of the strength and the power of the word to influence masses, the word can be used to inspire societies for success.
