Thursday, July 30, 2020

Looking for Oscar

While playing detectives and looking for a lost neighborhood cat named Oscar, I said to my six year old daughter, “Let’s make our own stories about what might have happened to Oscar. It will help us find him.”

“Great idea dad!”, the detective inside her was very excited!

“Okay I will go first,” I said, “I think Oscar must have headed towards the main road. There is a wild area on the other side of the road. We had once seen a rabbit there, remember? Oscar might have spotted a little rabbit from this side of the road. He must have been very hungry and wanted to attack the rabbit. Chasing the rabbit, he must have crossed the road to enter the wild forest area on the other side. At that point, he must have lost his way back home from the jungle...... What do you think?”

“Hmm dad,” she said, “This is possible but I think what happened was something like this. Oscar headed towards the main road. There is a wild area on the other side of the road.”

I thought she was just going to repeat my story to me. But I let her continue.

“Oscar was very curious and wanted to see what was inside that wild area,” she continued, “He was about to cross the main road, and that time, a car came from the left side so fast that he did not notice it. There was a rabbit inside the wild area on the other side of the road who saw that the car was going to run Oscar over. The rabbit jumped immediately to push Oscar and saved his life. Both of them crossed the road safely. They immediately became very good friends. They then entered the wild area and set out on their adventure together. Oscar was very happy in the forest where he met new friends that he did not even want to come back........What do you think dad? 

I smiled, “Your story is lot better than mine," I said, "This must be the story of lost Oscar. Let’s see if we can find him in that wild area.”

We searched for Oscar but could not spot the cat. He stayed lost. But on this little adventure with her, I found something that was long lost for me.

It was the child inside me......

Shantanu Kulkarni

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